Advaced Network Technologies

Stránka kurzu (mimo Moodle)
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Advaced Network Technologies AE0M32PST
Kredity 5
Semestry letní
Zakončení zápočet a zkouška
Jazyk výuky angličtina
Rozsah výuky 2P + 2L
The course Advanced Network Technologies extends practical knowledge in the field of data networks design. The course is practically orientated and focused on advanced configuration of switches and routers. The students will master advanced topics like IPv6, MPLS, TCP and BGP. \\Výsledek studentské ankety předmětu je zde:
Cíle studia
Students will be able to design a practically deploy a modern data networks.
Osnovy přednášek
1.Introduction to the subject. Repetition of basic concepts
2.Protocol IPv6, addressing, routing, IPv6
3.Cooperation between IPv4 and IPv6
4.Detailed description of the transport protocols TCP and UDP
5.Adaptation of TCP protocol to different network environments
6.Function of border routing protocols like BGPv4
7.Influencing the distribution of data flows through BGPv4 - attributes, scales, AS path, local preferences
8.MPLS backbone network
9.Implementation of MPLS virtual private network
10.IP multicast. Resource-oriented multicast distribution tree, shared tree multicast
11.Dense multicast protocol, PIM - DM, PIM-SM
12.Data network nodes (routers and switches), search algorithms, TCAM table
13. Traffic classification, traffic shaping, multilayer switching, the method of sorting the output queues
14. Network managemen model, SNMP, ASN language for describing data in the MIB database
Osnovy cvičení
1.project assignment and introduction into lesson
2.programming principles of routers in the network with the BGP Protocol implementation with BGP protocol in the laboratory configuration of multicast routing protocol implementation of multicast routing protocols like PIM-DM and SM
6.configuration of IPv6 networks
7.test #1
8.building and testing networks with IPv6
9.Analysis of virtual networks (VPN) in MPLS environment
10.building networks with virtual VPN support in a MPLS environment
11.On TCP throughput
12.examples of measuring throughput of the TCP protocol in different types of networks
14.Presentaion of the project results, credit
1. Dye M., McDonald R.: Network Fundamentals, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide, Cisco Press, 2007, ISBN: 1-58713-203-6
2. Graziani R., Johnson A.: Routing Protocols and Concepts, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide, Cisco Press, 2007, ISBN: 1-58713-204-4
3. Lewis W.: LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide , Cisco Press, 2008, ISBN: 1-58713-202-8
Prerequisities for this course is the basic knowledge of networking technologies.The students will be evaluated as 50% exam, 30% project and 20% of laboratory exercises.
Za správnost dat zodpovídá: Studijní Informační Systém (KOS)